Arthur Tauber

Critical thinking and leadership development through the sport of fencing.

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Mariam Berzon
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The Dr. Arthur Tauber Scholarship

Dr. Arthur Tauber, who was devoted to strengthening the Jewish Community in America by introducing young Jewish men and women to the highest levels of competitive sport, led by example having served as Head Coach of the Yeshiva College Fencing Team from 1949 to 1986. He believed that no one could effectively lead others before they first learned how to lead themselves. He taught leadership skills through the sport of fencing and shared his knowledge freely. The Dr. Arthur Tauber Scholarship is awarded annually by former Fencing Team members of Yeshiva College to an upper classman on the Yeshiva College Fencing Team who has demonstrated upstanding character and combined academic and athletic excellence with a dedication to the values of Torah Umadda.

If anyone is able to identify the fencers in the above photograph, please contact us.