Arthur Tauber

Critical thinking and leadership development through the sport of fencing.

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Why fencing?
The physical advantages afforded by fencing.
The ultimate one-on-one challange.
The closest you can ever come to combat without being at war.
"You can not learn to lead others until you learn how to lead yourself."


Everyone has the above image of sword fighting in mind, or one like it, when the subject of fencing gets introduced. Perhaps more than any other sport, fencing brings the field of battle into current times. Gone are most all of the protective pads used in so many other sports, for the real bruises sustained in fencing will not be to the body but to the ego. To sustain a touch is as if to have been slain. Today's athlete may walk away after a fencing bout with a loss on his or her record; but that defeat, in swashbuckling days, would have meant their death. To the extent that each touch, in practice or in a competitive match, is considered in this way, is to the extent that a fencer can know how carefully he or she must face his or her foe in order to hit without being hit. One can not afford to be cavalier about death. One can not take a chance on being wrong when one's own death would be the price of failure. Perhaps the bendable sword and fancy electronic scoring has further distanced us from the blood and guts aspects of the fight which modern day fencing represents and tries to replicate. But, surely no other sport can put us on the line in front of any one of any size at any age and demand of us the strictest discipline and the fastest decision making abilities that we can muster before we can say and know for a certainty that we are ready for anything.
Sincere "Thank You" to Coach Tauber's niece Dee Rothschild for identifying the above illustration, which was painted by Newell Convers Wyeth for the September 1931 issue of the Ladies' Home Journal magazine depicting a dashing scene from the short story by Rafel Sabatini entitled The Duel on the Beach, which was later expanded into the novel The Black Swan (1932).