Arthur Tauber

Critical thinking and leadership development through the sport of fencing.

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Keeping in Touch

One thing that seems to have resonated from meeting-to-meeting, from phone call-to-phone call and from e-mail-to-e-mail during the preparation for the Fencing Team Reunion to Honor Coach Tauber on June 22, 2008 has been the feeling that this process and certain other things have been put off for far too long. We, as team mates, have been out of touch. And, for fencing team mates, that is really saying something.

Whether each or any of us resolves to reach out and touch some one and particularly to stay in contact with our Coach remains to be seen.

To the extent that this website can serve in some small way to facilitate our keeping in touch, we offer it as a means of doing so.

Drew Kopf, Class of 1968

Alumni Online Community


Dr. Arthur Tauber (right), Coach of the Yeshiva College Fencing Team, pointing something out to one of his many Taubermen during a match.
If anyone is able to identify the fencer in the above photograph, please contact us.