Arthur Tauber

Critical thinking and leadership development through the sport of fencing.

Coach Tauber's Acknowledgement of the Tribute
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Coach Tauber: Acknowledging the Tribute
Following the tributes delivered by several of his "Taubermen" from acoss the decades, Coach Tauber addressed the gathering:

"I was very surprised when asked by Dr. Larry Rosman at the Gala Reunion of the Class of ''71 last year if the Yeshiva University Fencing Alumni could have a get-together in my honor. Who expected this result!!!! I am delighted to see my boys and I am honored to be the guest of honor at this very lovely affair.

I am very grateful for the many years I taught and coached the fencing team at Yeshiva. I received more than I gave and developed many warm and treasured friendships with you and those who could not attend tonight. I want to thank all of you for it.

Before I go any further I must thank my wife, Lenore, for allowing me to moonlight all those years and teach the sport of fencing that I loved so much, and I thank her for her understanding. (And I still love her after 66 years together).

I have been blessed with a warm and loving family with 4 children, eleven grand-children and 12 great grand-children and all my Yeshiva students. I could not ask for more.

If I had a positive impact on your lives I am very pleased and proud of it. Words cannot express my feelings, but I would like to thank all of you for the warmth, friendship and nachas I have received from you.

More than 22 years ago, upon my official retirement from YU many kind things were said. It is wonderful to know that so many years you learned on and off the fencing strip has held you in good stead. And that your recollections of our time together are strong and the advice and guidance I was able to impart was meaningful, and the memories will be carried forward after all these years from generation to generation.

Thank you very much for the recognition.

To Mrs. Tauber's comments
To the comments of Coach Tauber's of Grand daughter,
To the comments of Coach Tauber's son,
Back to Fencing Team Reunion Introduction


Dr. Arthur Tauber, center, wearing his special protective sleeve and padded vest, weighs in during a practice bout in the old gym in the basement of the main building of Yeshiva University to clarify a defensive technique and to help an emerging "Tauberman" make the most of the learning moment .
If anyone is able to identify the fencers in the above photograph, please contact us.